Pastor Michael Payton
Pastor Payton was born in Milford, Delaware in 1981 and was born again July 25, 1991, as a 10 year old boy. He surrendered to preach the summer of 1993 at a youth camp in North Carolina. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Fundamental Baptist College . He has served in many capacities. As an Evangelist where he has preached in 37 states and 4 foreign countries. As an Assistant and Youth Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Clinton, Illinois. As the BEAMS Warehouse Coordinator and Missionary, getting whole hardback Bibles free of charge to Missionaries in 150 countries. He served as Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Slidell, Louisiana. On March 31, 2019, Bro. Payton was called to be the Pastor here at Elliott Baptist Church. Bro. Payton met his wife and best friend, Charity, in 2006 while preaching for her father, in Memphis Tennessee. They were married January 20, 2007. The Payton’s have 5 precious, priceless, and adorable children: Natalie 9 years old, Mackenzie 8 years old, Chloe 5 years old, Isaac 3 years old, and Samuel 1 year old.